Get this message when clicking on a filefactory download link??…ifso please make a comment in the comment section of the blog…
Get this message when clicking on a filefactory download link??…ifso please make a comment in the comment section of the blog…
Yea, File Factory needs to update their SSL certificate; it expired on April 19. It’s safe to ignore the warning and continue with the download anyway.
How do you ignore it? My browser just doesn’t let me proceed…
You have to open up a new incognito tab and copy and paste the link inthere…
There are security issues with filefactory in France for months. Had to go through VPN. Now looks impossible: rejected by my browser and VPN
Well as long as this issue with filefactory last I wil do my main updates on
filefactory is constantly screening users; if you download too much from them without taking into account, they ban